Look for the Rainbow

I booked my ticket to Africa last month! Business class from New York to Nairobi for this fall. The 14-hour flight with two boys who can’t sit still is torture. We are off to another African safari and a taste of another culture. As I hunker down at my desk preparing tax returns, I remember that the storm will cease and I will see the rainbow. January, February & March demand a lot from me and the staff. Every client has at least one tax return due by April 15. Thoughts of Africa will carry me through this year. That is my pot of gold at the end of my rainbow.

I know that spring is right around the corner. It comes every year. The sun and warmer temperatures will thaw the ground, the rain and sun will nurture plant life and trees will start to bud. The first flowers will spring from the ground and the world around me will turn a vibrant green. I love the rebirth of nature.

Spring brings rainbows. We paint them with many colors. It is actually a trick of light, for each rainbow changes, flows, and disappears. As I look at the world around me I look at how life changes, flows and each moment disappears and a new one appears. We each see a different unique rainbow. What does yours look like?

Come this spring FOCUS CPA will be able to offer more. Now that Ricardo has joined us and got through his first tax season. We will be offering training and special projects putting best tax and accounting practices to manage real estate, helping our customers improve their sales tax implementation, offerings on sales and pricing ideas, expanding a Profit First program and other exciting new areas.

By Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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