One of my values is “put your heart into it.” This time of year, my heart goes on a wild roller coaster ride. This is when a client must decide whether to sign an engagement letter. Most clients love us, which is an incredible high. But some clients choose to leave. When that happens, I feel like we let someone down—that we failed. If we didn’t care in the first place, I wouldn’t be sad. I know in my head that they are doing what is best for them, but I still give myself permission to feel sad.
I started my work life with the philosophy: leave your emotions at the door. Work—especially accounting—was no place for emotions. In addition, I grew up not knowing how to handle my emotions. Today, I feel emotions are more accepted in both the workplace and at home. I have discovered that dealing with emotions is far healthier than ignoring them.
After many years of trying to be “businesslike,” living the value “put your heart into it” is an ongoing process that brings great satisfaction to the work we do. After all, we work with people, not just numbers. I have found that by listening to my heart, life has so much more depth and meaning. However, living this way can be uncomfortable—it brings pain, anger, and joy. I am truly grateful for those we serve and for the team that works alongside me.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA