
In Green Bay we have had an abundance of rain this past few months! It seems to be raining almost every day. The “norm” for Green Bay, or the 30-year average, is 4.1 inches of precipitation. The National Weather Service recorded 5.82 inches — almost 2 inches above normal. June is normally the wettest month of the year, but nature outdid itself this year.

I don’t recall watering my gardens at all this year. Typically, I water them at least once or twice a week. As a result of the rain, I have an abundance of flowers. The daylilies are ahead of schedule and I have more blooms than I recall. Two plants have given me a delightful surprise. I have 6 yucca blooms right now. These plants have only bloomed 3 out of the last 10 years. It appears that these desert looking plants like rain. This has also been the very best year for my calla lilies. The blooms have exploded. In addition, this is first time I have had pink calla lilies since I bought them 6 years ago.

Nature is full of abundance. It can also be full of scarcity. It is easy to appreciate it when we have something we want. It is much more difficult when we do not have what we want or need.
Abundance is a mindset, something we subconsciously or consciously choose. I am constantly amazed at the fact that we see what we want to see. Same is true in business. We can see everything we don’t have; it becomes more difficult to see what we do have.

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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