Celebrate America!

The land of the free and the brave. July is a great time to remember where we live and what we have. Those who signed the Declaration of Independence along with our many soldiers have paid a price for America’s freedom, a freedom that we enjoy today.

Celebrate America!

Each night I note something I am grateful for and something I appreciate. I struggle, my mind is so focused on achieving more and working on my future that I fail to recall what I do have. I take for granted the many blessings I have as an American.

We live in a country in which we have police and fire protection to keep us safe.  We have access to basic food and water. We have transportation systems that are dependable.  We have access to gas and electricity to provide heat, lights and energy to operate our businesses. We have a health system to fix and heal us. Our government does provide a foundation in which we can live our life to the fullest.

Enjoy the summer…

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