Creating a Life in the Midst of the Holidays!

The holidays are a time of reflection for me. As I go through my holiday rituals my mind wanders through the years – from past Christmases when I was growing up right up to the current moment. Ornaments, smells, cards and such trigger memories. It gives me a chance to review what I have done and a reality check as to where I want to go.

  • As I write out the addresses for my Christmas cards, I recall the connection that I have to that person or family. Some bring a smile; some I sent a card out of obligation. This year a wave of sadness hit me – I am losing family members. Many have been very special to me. I take time to write a short note in each card.
  • For the past few years, I have sent client appreciation gifts. I marvel at how that list changes and how the clients have grown, as much as I have.
  • As I place my ornaments on the tree, I recall the places I have been or a memory that I associate with it. My oldest ornament is from a pen pal I had from Korea when I was 12.
  • During Christmas I have special memories of my mom. She passed 15 years ago. I touch the ornaments and decorations we bought together. I get warm with cherished memories of the gifts that Santa gave me, she always seemed to know what I wanted.
  • Organizing family visits remind me of the family dynamics that Steve and I have created combining our kids. He has 3 and I have 2, then sprinkle in distant, their spouses, grand kids and our siblings – you have chaos. We work to blend the chaos and make the most of it.

Now that the kids are gone, I have more time for me. Time – to read, think, visit and plan. Time to make sure I am creating a life worth living in the midst of the holidays. May you find peace and happiness within this time of year.

Happy Holidays!

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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