Going For The Gold!

Go for the gold! Finish Big! Both are great clichés to live by.  Putting yourself out there, taking a risk, fighting the fear and seeing what you can accomplish.  When Nike came out with the slogan “just do it” I took it as my tag line.  I love to plan and organize.  I love to make lists.  The action part is my challenge.  So “just do it” has expanded my life experiences.

My challenge comes when fear arises.  When do you bust through or take heed and change direction?

In September I am getting on a plane, flying 20 hours and going on an African Safari.  The idea was just a small kernel in my mind 30 years ago.  Over the years I spent a lot of time at zoos and watched the animal shows on Animal Planet and Discovery.  Earlier this year I finally made arrangements to go on a safari in Kenya.  As I plan and organize for my trip fear raises its ugly head.  When I see the violence throughout the world – will it be safe to travel? When I got the multitude of vaccinations and medications to prevent from getting sick, is it worth the risk to my health? During my health care consultation I was warned that single women have to be extremely careful for crimes of violence are common.  Will I be safe?

Each question does help me plan.   I am not going alone; I will be with my 27 year old boys.  I met with an infectious disease specialist to reduce my health risk.  We are working with an experienced travel agent and a reputable safari outfit.  One added benefit – my son personally knows the key safari lodge operator.  So we have someone on the ground in Kenya to help us if something goes astray.

My goal in life is to live a life worth living. Taking risks is part of that life.  Go for the gold!

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom

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