Life’s Blessings

In May I got to enjoy the company of my grandson Easton. My son James, and his wife Stephanie escaped the heat of Arizona and came to visit for a week. Easton is 26 months old, very curious, very stealthy and has a heart of gold. Last month I customized a bedroom just for him. It was a big hit, along with the Minnie Mouse stuffed animal, Minnie Mouse blanket and Minnie Mouse read to me book.

We spent the weekend in Fish Creek. On Friday night we strolled down to Sunset Beach. We were there at the golden hour, and witnessed a gorgeous sunset. Easton spent his time climbing on the rocks, running along the rock wall and watching the waves roll in. As he was climbing the rock wall, he struggled to find his next step. He turned around and faced three teenage girls that were hunkered down behind him and said “help me”. He was only climbing up about two feet, but one girl gently nudged his feet to rocks that were jutted out. She made him work for it. After three tries he made it to the top. He was proud of his success. I was proud that he asked for help.

Life holds many blessings. Some I take for granted and some are difficult to see. That weekend I appreciated the beautiful sunset, the help of a stranger, the wonder of a child, time with family, the grill master who grilled the chicken kabobs & pineapple slices, the gelato we had for dessert, among many other things.

Count your blessings…

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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