Losing my Virginity!

No this isn’t about sex. It’s about facing the unknown and doing something new. I just read Richard Branson’s book “Losing my virginity, how I survived, had fun and made a fortune doing business my way“. For those who don’t know of Sir Richard Branson, he is a flamboyant philanthropic British businessman that has created and promoted the virgin brand for more than 50 years. His philosophy is to fill a need, keep it small so the business can respond and do things together with joint ownership. When I went to Kenya in 2016 we stayed at his lodge “Mahali Mzuri”. The year before that James, my son, got a chance to meet him at his home on Necker Island. Branson has stood his ground, despite extreme pressure from government, banking and big company arrogance.

Starting your own Business is facing the unknown and doing something new. My first venture was in 1986. I quit a Fortune 500 corporate job and starting offering accounting services. It was a sink or swim situation. My first husband had started the business and I joined him. We survived. Amazingly my take home pay never dropped. I wasn’t so lucky the second time. I survived 5 years and eventually merged with a regional CPA firm. Now the third time I started a business it was a charm. Today FOCUS CPA is growing and having a lot of success helping business owners enjoy their business.   Whether it is business, vacation, making new friends – lose your virginity! Find the adventure – Survive, have fun and make your own fortune.

Best wishes, Mary Guldan-Lindstrom  


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