In Green Bay we have had an abundance of rain this past few months! It seems to be raining almost every day. The “norm” for Green Bay, or the 30-year average, is 4.1 inches of precipitation.
It's lonely at the top
Take a look at our free monthly newsletter, The Financial Edge. Get an idea, process or tool to bring back the spark. We always include an informational article (written in layman’s terms), along with a book review and a little humor.
In May I got to enjoy the company of my grandson Easton. My son James, and his wife Stephanie escaped the heat of Arizona and came to visit for a week. Easton is 26 months old, very curious, very stealthy and has a heart of gold.
Every so often I wake up and wonder how I have gotten to where I am. In my early thirties life hit me hard. I was 10 years in a painful marriage, overwhelmed being a mom to two active toddlers, and my career was in flux.
I clean when I get frustrated and my life feels out of my control. It’s a coping mechanism with benefits. However, this spring I have a different purpose to my cleaning.
March holds promises of fairies and leprechauns, rainbows and the fabled pot of gold. The myths and legends of old are examples of the magic we can find in life. They bring flavor and a bit of mystery to my everyday life.
For a very special birthday I got to have breakfast in the African bush watching a family of elephants browse on trees nearby. These were full grown African elephants, thick wrinkly skin, very gentle when not irked.
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