Life seems to breeze by. Christmas was here and then it was gone. In the last 6 months, my backyard was overflowing with overabundant healthy green plants, then the frost killed them. In December we had snow that covered the entire yard for a while.
It's lonely at the top
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It’s late at night I am staring at the Christmas tree thinking of that perfect gift to give. The one that will bring joy to the person I am giving it to.
Every morning I write down 3 things I am grateful for. I recently noticed that what I take for granted does not hit that list. Once I thought about it, I was surprised by how many things I take for granted.
I don’t watch horror movies. To begin with no one likes to sit next to me, when we are watching a movie.
As another birthday has come and gone, I am struggling with writing the next chapter of my life. I feel as if my life is recalculating and I can’t get the swirling circle to stop.
GOOOOO Packers! Having been born and raised in Green Bay, football is a key part of life here. Where else in the world does a football team sell out practice games?
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