I recently came across a life satisfaction survey. There was a list of questions about my life and about my business.
It's lonely at the top
Take a look at our free monthly newsletter, The Financial Edge. Get an idea, process or tool to bring back the spark. We always include an informational article (written in layman’s terms), along with a book review and a little humor.
Do you remember the excitement of jumping out of bed, ready to charge forward and live your life to the fullest?
We make decisions every day, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. The unconscious decisions just happen, such as what time we go to bed and what time we get up.
As my mind is settling down, I remember why I am here. I had a dream to create a business to use my knowledge and skills to help others.
I recently saw this old proverb and it hit home. I take my health for granted. I haven’t been sick beyond a slight cold in years. I don’t take medicine. I work on eating right and exercise every day. However, people around me have and are struggling with their health.
This is my 35th tax season! Oh boy has it been a ride. For those who don’t know tax season is one year of work compacted into three months.
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