I was watching the movie “Becoming the Ricardo’s” and my heart went out to the challenges that Lucille Ball faced in achieving her success.
It's lonely at the top
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The holidays are a time of reflection for me. As I go through my holiday rituals my mind wanders through the years – from past Christmases when I was growing up right up to the current moment. Ornaments, smells, cards and such trigger memories. It gives me a chance to review what I have done and a reality check as to where I want to go.
I need to remember my blessings more often. We are constantly reminded of what we don’t have. Ads, whether they be TV, radio or in print tell us we need this and we need that.
There are the common fears - fear of failure, fear of acceptance, fear of dying, fear of public speaking. Then there are the phobias of flying, heights, snakes, bugs, etc. that list is endless.
Life throws obstacles in my way all the time. I am coming to the conclusion that my best plan of action is to be as resilient as possible. To be as capable as possible to bounce back from crisis.
Richard Branson anticipated his 1.5-hour flight to space for 17 years. He announced his intention to make a space plane in 2004. Jeff Bezos founded Blue Origin in 2000 with the goal of human spaceflight.
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