APRIL 2024 – Spring Cleaning
I clean when I get frustrated and my life feels out of my control. It’s a coping mechanism with benefits. However, this spring I have a different purpose to my cleaning.
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I clean when I get frustrated and my life feels out of my control. It’s a coping mechanism with benefits. However, this spring I have a different purpose to my cleaning.
March holds promises of fairies and leprechauns, rainbows and the fabled pot of gold. The myths and legends of old are examples of the magic we can find in life. They bring flavor and a bit of mystery to my everyday life.
For a very special birthday I got to have breakfast in the African bush watching a family of elephants browse on trees nearby. These were full grown African elephants, thick wrinkly skin, very gentle when not irked.
On New Year’s Eve my son, John, got married to Alicia. It was a beautiful evening for a magical wedding. It was held in Peoria, Arizona at the bride’s brother’s house.
A very common sentiment at Christmas is peace on earth. It sounds so very idealistic to me. But what does this really mean? I found one definition – striving for a world without war, a society where we respect and help our neighbors, a place where we protect and uplift our most in need.
There is plenty of fear, anger and pain in this world. The news is full it. It is not uncommon to see a variety of rants on social media. They love to inspire the negative emotions.
During my recent vacation I had a deep heartwarming focus on family. Lots of family. It all started with a family reunion that was initiated by my Aunt Sue, last year.
I think I lost my sense of adventure. On Labor Day I was whining to myself that I never go anywhere. I admit that I am a homebody. I love to stay home.
School will be starting very soon! Kids will grab their backpack and head for the classroom. Do you remember your first day of school? My school supplies consisted of crayons and a mat for nap time.
America is the land of the free, and the home of the brave. It is a place where anyone can do anything! In 2004 I was brave enough to create my own job. I wanted to do business my way. i wanted to set my own hours, to choose who I work with, and use … Read more