Spring: The Season of Hope

Spring is finally here in Green Bay. Winter may still come and go, but it will eventually turn into summer. My garden is turning green, a deep feel-good type of green. I love perennials. There is that sense of excitement to see what will come back each year. I hope for a healthy abundant garden. However, nature has its way with my garden – freezing weather can kill plants, rabbits will cut them back and squirrels have been known to move bulbs.

As I write this the crocuses are done blooming and the daffodils are about 5 inches high, sprouting an inch or two every time we have a nice day. The rabbits have definitely made an impact on my garden. At dusk I see three large ones hanging around. They are munching the tulip tops. I am hoping that my lavender comes back – never a guarantee.

To help me curb my garden excitement, in late February I start plants from bulbs. This includes elephant ears, calla lilies, canna lilies and everblooming begonias in the house. I am anxious to get them moved outside. I am always amazed at what seeds, sunshine, water and dirt can create.

In another part of my life tax season will be over by the time you read this. For the last 5 months we hunkered down, focused on tax deadlines and got done as much as possible by April 18th. Spring brings hope to me. In the case of the garden and signally the end of tax season.

I am hoping for a beautiful garden this year and a little calm after tax season.

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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