Take Time to be Kind

It’s Friday night. My heart is racing. I am working on slowing down and getting recharged for next week’s race. Today I felt like I was caught in a pinball machine. Constantly being bouncing from one issue to another. On April 18th the bell will ring and I can step out of the chaos. I always get done want needs to be done.

As my mind is settling down, I remember why I am here. I had a dream to create a business to use my knowledge and skills to help others. It is hard for me to believe there are now 5 of us here at Focus CPA. When I started, I strived to find small businesses to help. Now we strive to keep up with the work.

My biggest challenge is keeping my heart engaged and to be kind. Kind to me and kind to those I serve. I strive to slow down enough to be polite, to take time to acknowledge others frustrations and confusion, to allow myself to feel disappointment and my own frustration. To be patient with me and with those I serve.

Taxes and money can be very stressful. Deadlines put even more pressure on those who need to deal with them. I tried. Sometimes I accomplished and sometimes I lost it.
Thank you for being patient with us this tax season.

By Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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