Time for Change

The one thing that is constant in life is change. Every day we grow and change. However this April is packed full of change for me.

  • At FOCUS CPA the tax return rush stops and we concentrate on creating financial success for our clients.
  • Spring weather sneaks in with starts and stops. Green Bay weather can change within 10 minutes from winter, spring or summer. My lawn starts to turn green and flowers start to rise from the earth. I love perennials and my yard is full of them. Each spring I watch and see how the squirrels have rearranged my plantings.
  • This year we are taking down a huge fully mature ash tree in our backyard. Over the last 25 years I have watched this tree grow and provide a canopy for my entire backyard.  Taking it down will change the landscape. Majority of my plants are shade loving, they now will be soaking in the sun.
  • I also have a very special change to soak in. My son, James got engaged. I have a future daughter in law in the works.

I love this time of year.  It provides me a sense of renewal. I can rest and recharge from tax season. I can refresh my soul with the warmth and sunshine that comes with spring. Hope for the future explodes as the flowers I planted in the past spring from the ground and brighten my day.

Spring is here bringing with it change. Enjoy life.

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom

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