Creating Clarity in a Confusing World

The world we operate in has changed. Business owners are attempting to understand and follow the new rules to keep customers and staff safe and calm. Employees and employers are striving to financially stay afloat. As a business owner you can lead those around you on a path through this confusion. One option is to create clarity of your situation.

According to Patrick Lencioni, best-selling author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, here are six questions to help create clarity.

1. Why do we exist? At one time most businesses existed just to make a profit. Now we are expecting something grand and inspirational. Focus CPA exists to help small business owners financially beat the odds and enjoy what they do. Looking a little deeper I created the company to have a great place to work. I wanted to avoid the long hours during tax season, avoid politics and live the lifestyle that I desire.

2. How do we behave? This question defines the values that we live by – personally and professionally. Our values define our behavior. By being clear on the values, it is easier to determine what behavior is tolerated and what behavior is rewarded. For me positive attitude, curious, competent and desire to empower others lead our staff being available to customers, talking their language, providing services of value, making tax, accounting and business implement.

3. What do we do? You could be a typical business in your industry. However smaller businesses focus on a niche, to create more value. At Focus CPA we could be a typical accounting and tax firm. However, to meet my reason for existing we focus our services on the types of business that I like to work with. Thus, we provide proactive tax, accounting and general business services, education, and advice to owner managed business in a way they can understand and utilize the information.

4. How will we succeed? This question determines your plan for success. Identifying 3 key definitions will improve the daily decisions and make you and your organization unique. For us having our clients financially succeed, along with our financial success so we can continue to grow and have fun in a healthy work environment.

5. What is most important right now? The coyote that chases two rabbits catches none. Determine what is important at this point in time. If COVID 19 has reduced sales, customers and staff focus on what is needed to improve your situation, along with staying in line with your overall strategy. For us my focus is becoming more efficient to deliver services timely, take steps to strengthening our customers relationships and build an effective team.

6. Who must do what? Divide and conquer. Be clear with yourself and your team as to what is expected from each person. Share expected behaviors, key productivity indicators and set individual goals.

Knowing these answers for your business takes the turmoil out of making daily decisions and increases your chances for success.

By Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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