Dog Days of Summer

Hi there!  Are you warm enough?  We are experiencing the dog days of summer.  Technically this refers to a one to two month time period in which the Dog Star, rises and sets with the sun, shining during the daylight hours and staying hidden at night.  We are not the first ones to complain.  This hot sultry weather in late July and early August has been griped about as far back as written history reaches.  The ancient Greeks and Romans had grim feelings for the Dog Star, associating it with an outbreak of insufferable heat and fever.  What would we do without air conditioning?

This is a great time to enjoy the water that surrounds us in Green Bay.   In July, Steve and I took a pontoon boat ride on the Chain of Lakes in Eagle River. It was perfect weather to be on the water to bask in the sun and the warmth before the pace picks up. We joined the many other boat enthusiasts that were fishing, swimming or just out for the slow meander on the chain that day.

School is right around the corner and winter will be coming all too soon.

Take a deep breath and soak in the summer!

Enjoy the summer… Mary Guldan-Lindstrom

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