Family: A Hidden Treasure

During my recent vacation I had a deep heartwarming focus on family. Lots of family. It all started with a family reunion that was initiated by my Aunt Sue, last year. Unfortunately, she could not attend. We lost her last year.

First, I went to Arizona and my son John, his fiancé Alicia and my grand dog, Shadow, took off on a road trip to a campground at Lake George, Colorado. There we met more family members; my brother, dad, cousins and uncles. Family came from California, Wisconsin and Arizona to get together.

We had a weekend of adventures and late-night campfires. Then the 3 of us made a mad dash drive back to Arizona. I then spent a few days with my other son James, his wife Stephanie and grandson Easton. My Dad and his wife, Bev, joined us. We soaked up the warm Arizona heat and told stories of our past. I even got to chase my grandson. We had a great relaxing time. After 10 days I flew back to Green Bay, WI.

Lately family loses are hitting me. My parent’s generation is in their 80’s and starting to hit 90. I am losing aunts and uncles. It is even hitting closer to home, for within the last 3 years I have lost 4 cousins that I grew up with. The inevitable is impacting my life.

My focus is normally on the future. However, I have lots of really good family history, that will be lost in my mind and heart, if I don’t take care. This vacation was one step to help me remember and treasure the family that has helped make me who I am today.

Be sure to treasure your family!

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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