February 2014

Making decisions with the head, the heart and gut.

by Mary Guldan-Lindstrom CPA

Every day we make decisions – some are important and some are trivial.  In my line of work, we base decisions on data.  However that is only one perspective of the issues – other factors that affect the outcome are involved.  Factors such as internal desires and outside forces, which are not measured with facts and figures

Let me explain my process…

The Head – gather all relevant data available to make a decision, such as making a list of pros and cons.

The Heart – is using emotions to make a decision.  Typically, we strive to move toward passion or away from pain.  Here is a test – when you are down to two choices flip a coin.  When we toss a coin – there are two possible outcomes.  As you flip the coin – pay close attention to which side you want to come up – heads or tails.  The one you want – is your heart’s decision.

The Gut – is opening all your senses and then sort, organize and make your decision using your subconscious.  This may be referred to as intuition.

If I do not get the same answer with my head, my heart and my gut – I determine how important the outcome is.  If it’s a minor issue I go with the strongest one and accept the consequences.  If it is a major issue, I hold off on the decision.

At FOCUS CPA we use your financial information as just one perspective of your overall decision process.

If you need help using your numbers to make decisions, please contact Mary, at Mary@focus-cpa.com or 920-351-4842.


We have expanded our services this year and added a risk and opportunity review.   If you are claiming deductions that the IRS has identified as a hot button – we want to make sure that you will hold up in that audit.  We also check to make sure we are taking every option to reduce your taxes for this year or for the future.

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom



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February 2014

Put Your Heart Into It

Dear John,

What if accounting and tax services could warm your heart? Or uplift your spirit and energize your business?

Does that sound like a fairy tale?

My personal mission is to use my knowledge, education and talents to give hope to small business owners.

A business is built on relationships.  Thus – a smile, a friendly voice, taking time to listen, returning phone calls promptly and keeping concepts simple – all touch the heart.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” 

– Leo Buscaglia

Stay Warm


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We sent out Tax Packets for 2014 the first part of January.

Contact us if you haven’t recieved yours.


Monday- Thursday 9 to 5
Friday by Appointment


117A Packerland Dr
Green Bay, WI 54303
p 920-351-4842


Referrals are treated with utmost care and
are greatly appreciated!


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