Life in the Fast Lane – Or Not

Earlier this year I was caught in a car chase. I was minding my own business, going home on a Friday night when I notice flashing lights about a block behind me.

I pulled over to the side. A truck passed me and another car came flying down the road almost hitting my back bumper. It then sped around me and had nowhere to go.

The driver stopped and did a flying U-turn. The police car came dashing down the hill right alongside my car and sharply turned left – crashing into the car it was chasing. The car jumped the curb, slowly crawling as the driver jumped out of the car and ran.

The police officer chased him down and hit him with a taser gun. The passenger then jumped out of the car and ran in the opposite direction. About this time, I slowly pulled away and finished my drive home. Later I found out that they caught the two men who stole a car. They had their time in the fast lane and then it stopped!

At times life zooms by. I seem to miss February and March every year. I accomplish a lot, but my focus is so narrow that I miss a lot. Then on April 15, tax day, my energy is gone and I slowly limp along.

Over the years, I have learned to take vacation. I don’t accomplish anything being in the office.

Sometimes it makes sense to be in the fast lane. Progress is made. For me it is hard to sustain that level of speed.

By Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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