Love the Season!

This is my 35th tax season! Oh boy has it been a ride. For those who don’t know tax season is one year of work compacted into three months.

  • In 1981, my very first one, it hit me broadside. I never expected it. I had no idea what I got myself into. With the intense paperwork my eyesight got much worse! I got out to save my health and my sanity.
  • In 1987 I was an internal auditor during the day and helping to start an accounting firm at night. Something had to give. I dropped my day job and went back to public accounting.
  • In 1989 I became a mom, so I left again.
  • In 2003 after my divorce and some heavy-duty mental health help, I went back to public accounting. I started my own firm, on my terms. I loved the work, just not the culture.
  • I eventually merged with a national accounting firm, but again on my terms. A got a solid paycheck putting in part time hours (40 hours each week) during January thru April.
  • In 2004, when the boys started high school, I went back on my own again. I started, Focus CPA.

Today I start the season with a team of 5. As I was driving home from work the other night, I had such a sense of excitement. The moon was full and glowing as it peaked out from the clouds. I hit the gas pedal on my car and felt the power of being in control.

This is the very first time I can recall looking forward to a tax season with a smile on my face. The goal was always to just endure. With the last two years of chaos due to the COVID frenzy, a normal tax season doesn’t look so bad. With a change of attitude and search for passion – my goal is to LOVE this tax season!

Happy Valentines Month!

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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