School is in Session!

Who hoo, school is in session!  The kids are back in school.  Today, this time of year is anticlimactic for me.  Between Steve and I, our 5 kids, have 10 degrees – 5 bachelors, 3 masters and 2 doctorate degrees.  Our kids are finally done with their formal education.

Focus CPA BookmarkPersonally my last college class was in 1980, right after the dinosaur age, according to my kids.  However, my education didn’t end there.  Just to keep my memberships in my professional associations I need 40 hours of continuing education per year.   In addition to the classes – every day I read at least 3 email newsletters.  I squeeze in about 5 monthly magazines and at least one business book. All this education is a labor of love for me.  I have been rewarded with untold riches and opportunities for my business with this education.

Reading for me is like going to school, but I choose the teacher, the class and subject based on my current needs.  I am blessed that there are so many excellent authors available. I continually uncover golden nuggets of knowledge.

Successful people have libraries. The rest have
big screen TV’s
.” Jim Rohn

If you do read please stop by the office and pick up a FOCUS CPA bookmark, along with a free copy of Darin Spindler’s marketing book “5 Ways to Generate Cash Fast For Your Business”.

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom


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