Sharing the Successes!

HAPPY 2016!

Each year I write down what I expect for the upcoming year and review what happened last year.  This year I started recalling the successes that our clients had. … I got to see a “one of a kind” Porsche, experienced a fast luxurious ride in a Tesla (a high end fully electric car), saw pictures of a staff retreat that was held on a beautiful resort in the Philippines, one client was very excited about sharing Disneyworld with her granddaughters and two clients purchased new businesses this year.

The very best part of my job is observing the passion business owners lavish on their work. Every success is based on a hard won effort and being prepared. We also work hard to help them make it happen.  Success can be defined in general terms such as more sales, earning more, improving your standard of living, doing more of what you want, etc.  However the pure joy is found in the details.   Each person has their own journey.  One may set a goal of $1 million for retirement, whereas another sets $30 million.

Each has their own way to get there and a different starting point.

The story closest to my heart this year was watching a second generation daughter bring her family business back to life. She worked diligently to get the financial records in order. Next she went out and found additional customers. Then she searched for financing until one bank finally said yes!  In late fall we were assisting her with tax planning as the sales and net income had exceeded her initial plan.  She can now quit her part time job and work only for the business. In addition to earning a decent living, the business is creating a life of its own.

Thank you for sharing your successes with us. I can’t wait to see what 2016 will bring!



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