The Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

America is the land of the free, and the home of the brave. It is a place where anyone can do anything!

In 2004 I was brave enough to create my own job. I wanted to do business my way. I wanted to set my own hours, to choose who I work with, and use my skills, talents and knowledge to make a difference in the lives of small business owners. I wanted the challenge to succeed or to fail. It became my purpose in life. Being born in America allowed me to do that.

Having been here my entire life, I take many things for granted. Rarely, if ever, do I note on my daily gratitude list – my right to earn a living or the fact that I feel safe or that I can hop in my car and travel to another state. I assume if I call 911 someone will answer, no matter how frantic or incoherent I may be and they will send help. If I go to a hospital someone more qualified than me will treat me. We also have plenty of free resources – my kids attended public school and i visit the local library at least once a month. Now that summer is here, we have access and are free to enjoy the beautiful public parks, swimming pools, accessible boat landings and such.

However, it is so easy to focus on what we don’t have, to criticize and complain. I see that on the news regularly. It is so easy for me to take for granted the things that make America great. This is my reminder to be thankful for what our founding fathers fought for!

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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