The MAGIC of March

In mid-March I get to raise havoc with my grandson, Easton.  I am visiting him in Phoenix.  He is turning 2. I will get to experience a bit of the warmth & sunshine.  In addition, my value is rising in the eyes of his father.  Easton, is his father’s son.  He is very curious, stealthy and has limitless energy.  Definitely a handful.  Keeps mom and dad young. 

March holds promises of fairies and leprechauns, rainbows and the fabled pot of gold.  The myths and legends of old are examples of the magic we can find in life.   They bring flavor and a bit of mystery to my everyday life.  This year spring seems to be coming early to Green Bay.  Crocus are blooming already and daffodils are up about 5 inches. 

Lately it has been difficult to believe in magic.  As my workload kicks up, it is best to have faith that everything will get done, to slow down and take it one moment at a time.  That is easier said than done.   It is difficult to keep patience when you expect a project will take 15 minutes and two hours later you are still struggling to get it done.   Again, those naughty leprechauns are causing mischief.

Experience more in life.  Look for the magic around you.  Look for ways to create the magic yourself.  Keep an eye out for the leprechauns.  But above all else – enjoy the MAGIC of March!

Mary Guldan-Lindstrom, CPA

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