4 Steps to Achieve Financial Business Success

Financial success can be found in a variety of ways. The best way to achieve it depends on your current situation. Success can be found through a rewarding job, building a business, making an investment, funding a retirement account or a combination. Unless you are specific, how do you know when you will achieve financial success? The clearer you are on what you desire the better the chance that you will succeed. Creating a vision and setting expectations requires education, planning and preparation.

How to Read Your Financial Story

Every accounting software program provides standard financial statements. This is the universal measurement of business success. The statements can be used for more than just preparing your taxes and they are not just for accountants and bankers. Prepared and used correctly they can provide key information to manage your business.

Marketing for Profits

Competition is tight in most businesses, customers have plenty of options. We are bombarded with marketing messages everyday – on television, radio, print and internet. Messages telling us that if we just buy their product or service – we will be wealthier, happier and healthier. As a small business owner how do we overcome the messages encouraging our customers to switch? Plus maintain a profit to stay in business?

Luck of the Irish!

Many years ago I found myself in Boston on St. Patty’s day. I was there for work and stayed the weekend. I made arrangements to meet a friend of a friend to get a tour of Boston. She was a Boston native and turned out to be a great tour guide. The day started with a cold wet morning.

Building the Life and Business You Dream Of

Twenty five years ago my life fell apart, like a glass bulb hitting a concrete floor it shattered into many pieces. I had filed for divorce after 10 years of marriage. I was a single mom with two toddlers and I quit my 8-to-5 job. Everything was new. My life choices were right for me, however the consequences were a little unsettling and daunting. I now had to rebuild my life, better than it had been going.

The Tide of Love

Lately the news coverage and my Facebook feed has brought about a tide of outrage, disagreement and a lot of name calling. I see anger and behind anger there is usually fear. Fear of change I suppose. As a general practice I attempt to focus on the positive – whether it is my attitude or actions. With Valentine’s Day nearby I am hoping that the sentiments will swing toward gratitude and love.

What Are Your Chances of Being Audited?

It depends….According to the head of the IRS, John Koskinen “anyone running for President or who’s going to be President can look forward to having their tax returns audited every year.” The returns of the President and the Vice President are audited every year, as required by section of the Internal Revenue Manual.

Become a Better Leader—Start with Trust

Life is better with trust. Having trust, being trustworthy and trusting others are wonderful ideals to strive for. More can be accomplished when trust is present. Marriages and businesses are broken every day due to the lack of trust. Trust is fragile; it is built over time but can be destroyed in seconds. Almost everyone understands trust however it is challenging to define it. Trust starts with each of us. Creating your own trust is where it starts.

It’s Time for a New Start

It’s late at night as I write this. It’s so light outside, everything is white. We just got about 2 inches of soft snow gently dropped on us. The land is covered with the white stuff. The clouds hang overhead. The traffic has stopped. The silence has settled in.

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