Do You Focus on Opportunities or Obstacles

I am in the process of organizing a seminar series. I made my basic decisions such as target audience, when to offer it, the various topics, and the format. While I laid out my time line and list of action items – my mind starts to wander. That little voice inside my head starts whispering – will anyone show up? Can I deliver? Will people find value? Am I charging too much? Will this format work the best? etc.

Celebrate America!

The land of the free and the brave. July is a great time to remember where we live and what we have. Those who signed the Declaration of Independence along with our many soldiers have paid a price for America’s freedom, a freedom that we enjoy today.

Emergency Plan or Fate

Many years ago my neighbor, an attorney, who had his own practice, was stung by a bee. For some people this would be a minor pain, however in this case he was allergic to bees. The rescue squad just minutes away, did not arrive in time to save him.

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