
Protecting Your Loved Ones: Get Organized just in Case

As we zoom through life we live for today, without much thought for tomorrow. We take care of what is in front of us. Yes, we know that tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Life’s Blessings

In May I got to enjoy the company of my grandson Easton. My son James, and his wife Stephanie escaped the heat of Arizona and came to visit for a week. Easton is 26 months old, very curious, very stealthy and has a heart of gold.

12 Habits to Create a Healthy Cashflow

Every business operates on cash flow. A business with a healthy cash flow is much more enjoyable to run, as well as increases the value of the business and reduces the stress of managing the business.

Personal Growth – Letting Go

Every so often I wake up and wonder how I have gotten to where I am. In my early thirties life hit me hard. I was 10 years in a painful marriage, overwhelmed being a mom to two active toddlers, and my career was in flux.

Spring Cleaning in my Mind

Recently I was in a business meeting and someone was asked what was his aha moment? He stated that he identified a limited belief he was holding on to.

Spring Cleaning

I clean when I get frustrated and my life feels out of my control. It’s a coping mechanism with benefits. However, this spring I have a different purpose to my cleaning.

Analyzing Your Business & Determining a New Game Plan

For most business we have just closed a year and started on a new one.  Now that the books are closed and the financial records will be as accurate as they can be, it is a great time to evaluate your progress.

The MAGIC of March

In mid-March I get to raise havoc with my grandson, Easton.  I am visiting him in Phoenix.  He is turning 2. I will get to experience a bit of the warmth & sunshine.  In addition, my value is rising in the eyes of his father.

A Year End Financial Review Quick Guide

Now that you have closed your books for the year it is a great time to take a deep dive into your financial results. Your statements can provide clues as to what is working and what isn’t.

I Love Elephants

For a very special birthday I got to have breakfast in the African bush watching a family of elephants browse on trees nearby. These were full grown African elephants, thick wrinkly skin, very gentle when not irked.

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