
Cash Flow Forecasting – Defining Life for a Business

Are you a business owner? Like to improve your cash flow? Need some tools to manage your cash?

Simple Rules for Life

When I became a mom, decision-making became more complicated. My decisions didn’t just affect me—they affected my boys, two very dependent children in which I was responsible for. My original life plan didn’t turn out as I planned. I ended up being a single mother so I had to earn enough to live. I had to find a balance between earning a living and mom time and still keep my sanity. Time management was critical. Now that I look back, I had two simple rules; not to put my children in jeopardy and the time I spent with them would be quality time.

The Incoming Breeze

The cool breeze is bringing in the crispness of fall, a new season. As the hours of sunlight shrink the leaves start changing colors and falling. The smell of fall is in the air. Change is coming. As fall is creeping in I am preparing my gardens for the next season. Cutting down the flowers that have finished blooming, splitting the perennials to make them stronger next year, planting more bulbs for tulips and daffodils in spring, and moving more plants into shadier spots in my backyard. I mulch to protect the perennials from the harsh cold of winter. All this work for something I won’t see until at least 6 months from now.

Basic Tax Tips for the Sharing Economy

If you rent a spare bedroom, provide car rides or a number of other goods or services, they may be involved in what the IRS calls the sharing economy. The IRS website now has a Sharing Economy Tax Center. This site helps taxpayers find the resources they need to help them meet their tax obligations.

12 Tips to Improve Your Business Cash Flow and Become Financially Healthier

Every business operates on cash flow. It is the lifeblood of a business. Without cash the business dies. A business with a healthy cash flow is much more enjoyable to run, as well as increases the value of the business and greatly reduces the stress of managing the business. Just like athletes taking the extra steps to improve their results, businesses can review their processes and improve their results. Here are 12 tips to improve your cash flow.

The Rhythm of Life

My rhythm of life is changing. School is open and I need to slow down when I pass the two schools on my way to work. In addition, football season is upon us. Living in Green Bay, football is as essential as the air we breathe. These things happen every fall. The weather affects the rhythm of my life. The cooler temperatures and shorter days change my garden. The first frost wipes out the delicate plants, the leaves falling need to be raked and the gardens need to be prepared for winter. All expected changes.

10 Rules to Open Book Management

Most business owners would love to have their employees think and act like a business owner. However, exactly what behavior are they looking for? As owner of Focus CPA, I would like each employee to come to work with high positive energy, ready to deliver the best results to help the business grow and produce a profit. To do that the following items are essential;

The Dog Days of Summer

I am worried about my dog, Cotton. As I write this, she is recovering from her second stroke this year. She is losing her balance and leaning to one side. It looked like she made a full recovery from the last stroke, but she was hit again. For now I do what I can for her and pray that she gets better.

Are You Getting Ready to Sell a Business?

I believe every business owner starts their business with the subconscious idea that someday they will sell a business, maybe retire or just move on. Planning for that can maximize the value that you receive. The business owner can have influence on the future sale price, however the deciding factor is made by the buyer. Knowing the type of buyer that is most likely interested in your business and what they are looking for can help make this idea become a future reality.

Are You ‘Playing to Win’ or ‘Playing Not to Lose’?

Playing to win is about growth. You are strategic and proactive. You have a vision. You do your own thing. You focus on the next thing your customer wants, not what your competitors are doing. It requires one to boldly adapt to change and be innovative. It doesn’t matter if it is a person or a whole business.

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