
How to Stay Out of Tax Trouble – Best Tax Practices for Small Businesses

Keep personal separate from business – Create a separate checking account, use a separate credit card, separate PayPal account, etc. By keeping it all in only one account it simplifies the recording and strengthens your position with the IRS. They may keep out of your personal stuff.

Life in the Fast Lane – Or Not

Earlier this year I was caught in a car chase. I was minding my own business, going home on a Friday night when I notice flashing lights about a block behind me.

Finding Your Path

Are you feeling lost! Or struggling with where you are at? We have many choices as to what path we take and in many areas of our life. We take a path when we choose a job or career, a business, a mate, to have children, our friends and hobbies. We can take a short path or the journey of a lifetime.

Being One With My Heart

I have chosen to stop watching the news on TV. I skip thru the mudslinging on Facebook and when reading the newspaper I only read factual headlines. I can’t handle the anger anymore. It doesn’t add value to my life. To counter that I am being more conscious of being one with my heart.

4 Critical New Year’s Business Resolutions

As you are gathering last year’s financial information for taxes – it is a great time to review the results and make resolutions for the upcoming year. It doesn’t matter if you are focused on growth, profitability, or reorganizing the following checklist will provide options to consider.

Ready for Action

I’m starting this year out well rested. I can’t believe it, but I am tired of vacation! Never in my life did I think I would feel that. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed Kauai in late November and it was really nice spending Christmas with my kids in Texas. However, I am ready to get back to my comfort zone – work! I am recharged and ready for the next few months.

Ten Ways to Create a Simpler, Happier and Richer Life

Happy New Year! Take control of your life. Here are 10 things you can do to create a simpler, happier and richer life.

What Expenses are Deductible while Sales Prospecting?

For a business expense to be tax deductible it must be both ordinary and necessary. Expenses that paid for to drum up business have special rules associated with them. Here’s a list of the most common.

Five Steps to Select A Business Advisor

As business becomes more complicated and the world keeps moving at a faster pace, your advisors become more critical to your success. They can keep you focused, move you forward and watch for unexpected delays in your future.

Sharing and Caring

Christmas season is a time to share and care with my family, the clients we serve, the staff I work with and others who are important to me. It is a reminder that my goals are not the end all, be all of my life. It is a time for me to reach out. As I reach out to others, both personally and through the business, I keep in mind the five love languages from Gary Chapman. They are…

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