
Dog Days of Summer

Hi there! Are you warm enough? We are experiencing the dog days of summer. Technically this refers to a one to two month time period in which the Dog Star, rises and sets with the sun, shining during the daylight hours and staying hidden at night.

Maximize Business Results Using Your Financial System

Learn what information is available, how to delegate, what to look at, how to hire outside help, what to expect, balance cash needs, tax planning and profit management.

Your American Dream

When the United States was founded it was built with the hope of a new start. A place where one could create their own life and pursue their path to achieve their goals. The American dream was alluded to in our Declaration of Independence.

Celebrate America!

The land of the free and the brave. July is a great time to remember where we live and what we have. Those who signed the Declaration of Independence along with our many soldiers have paid a price for America’s freedom, a freedom that we enjoy today.

Emergency Plan or Fate

Many years ago my neighbor, an attorney, who had his own practice, was stung by a bee. For some people this would be a minor pain, however in this case he was allergic to bees. The rescue squad just minutes away, did not arrive in time to save him.

Summer – A Great Time to Revisit Your Protection Plan

Summer is here! I hope you are finding time to enjoy our beautiful weather. My favorite spot is my backyard. I have a perennial garden that transforms from spring tulips and daffodils to summer daylilies in the summer.

What’s Holding You Back?

Last December I was frustrated. I was working hard but things didn’t seem to be happening. I felt as if my work world was standing still. I was accomplishing things but it couldn’t feel the progress that I wanted to make. Recently I ran across a list of items that could be holding me back. They may also be holding you back as well.

Hobby Laws Threaten Business Status

When starting a new business, an entrepreneur may be told that it could take three to five years to show a profit. While that may be true, it certainly isn’t something that the IRS will necessarily accept when it comes to filing a tax return.

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